Consolidate & Optimize your Wholesale Business: 3 ways you can adopt to make most out of your existing B2B ecosystem
The International voice business will eventually come down as WhatsApp; Facebook Messenger leads the race along with WeChat, QQ, Viber, and others following and overall taking up to 5 Billion monthly active users. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype are taking over the enterprise voice conference call business.But even with these impacting factors, the International Interconnect business is here to stay for at least for the next half-decade.
In the recently concluded GSC virtual conference, telco’s highlighted the shift in wholesale business. Overall, the business has seen an uplift due to COVID-19, but the buckets have changed.
E.g., International voice calling has increased due to reduced travels. But on the other hand, roaming has reduced due to the same reason.
Due to the pandemic situation, there is a sudden shift in the market dynamics, and telcos are looking to make the most out of it.
The GSC Virtual Conference also highlighted many facts and approaches prevalent among operators right now. Some of them were-:
- Change in ecosystem by fast tracking consolidation
- Automation Initiatives in reconciliation, credit controls
- New Partnerships in volume trading, swap deals
- Improved Fraud investigations like Provider fraud, Smart FAS, SIMBOX etc.
- Improving assured ecosystem initiatives by proper investigations, corrections and prevention in areas like disputes, credit controls, collections, rating etc.
As the traditional revenue is drying, telcos can adopt many small changes within the entire B2B ecosystem to optimize and protect the revenue. Here are three aspects that can help telcos achieve that-
- Consolidation
- Future proof
Consolidation: A typical telco has multiple B2B services which can be broadly classified into 3 major industries:
(Global Voice Hubbing, Messaging, Interconnect, Roaming, Connectivity, Data Centers)
(TV, IoT, M2M, Data Analytics Services, Security Services, OTT services etc.)
(IPVPN, IPLC, Data Centers, Cloud services, Internet Services, Enterprise WiFi etc.)
A convergent solution that can consolidate and run all these business on a single platform with multi-tenant deployments, provides the required consolidation to optimize both the CAPEX & OPEX spending.
AAA Solutions: Automated – Accurate – Assured
Future proof Solution: A solution that can be further extended to future B2B businesses. Evolving economic models between partners need a system that can generate new models using configuration. Flexible to process and manage data sources from various businesses.
Subex Partner Ecosystem Management platform can deliver a converged B2B partner management experience that can address all the needs of any type of B2B business of a telco.
Having multiple solutions from multiple vendors increases the complexity and the operational cost as well. Subex can help you augment your B2B strategy and provide a converged solution that can optimize and accelerate your journey towards the digitalization.
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