Check out Subex Network Asset Management Solution features
Network Asset Lifecycle Management comes in many names, be it Asset Assurance, Asset Management, and so on. Telecom Network Asset Lifecycle Management refers to the process of optimizing revenues generated by assets throughout their lifecycle while optimizing costs.
The telecom world is currently at a crossroad. On the one hand, the industry is at the forefront of innovation and technological development. On the other hand, it is one rife with challenges such as plateauing revenues, increasing customer demands, increasing Capex Intensity, and ever-growing competition. Both these aspects play into each other, as CSPs need to invest in new network technologies to provide customers with the latest services, with the best experience. However, investing in network technologies seldom allow CSPs to witness adequate return on their investments. In such a scenario, where ROI is rare, CSPs must ensure that their Capex is optimized. One of the critical areas where CSPs can enable Capex optimization is through the better utilization of their network assets lifecycle.
The best asset management software are those which can aid CSPs optimize Capex and Opex. Beyond this, Network Asset Lifecycle Management tools need to help CSPs:
- Meet auditory and regulatory requirements
- Bring in digitalization and automation
- Stay competitive in the industry
- Generate a better return on capital
What CSPs need to succeed is a Telecom Network Asset Lifecycle Management solution, which can ensure both physical and digital asset management.
A proactive Network Asset Management system should support not only operational capabilities but also generate key insights into asset operations and enable optimization strategies. With flat revenue.
growth and high Capex-to-Sales ratio, of greater than 20% on an average, most operators need to keep tight controls on their investments. Deeper insights into assets operations coupled with automation and system capabilities, can effectively drive optimization initiatives.
A complete solution of network asset lifecycle management would encompass the continuous monitoring and management of asset lifecycles. Each stage of the asset lifecycle comes with features and analytical functions for Capex and Opex insights, rich dashboards & reports, process triggers, KPIs and alerting mechanisms, operational workflows accessed over both web app and mobile app. A few of the key actionable insights from asset lifecycle management tools include asset re-positioning recommendations, purchasing recommendations and supporting analysis, network asset lifecycle statuses visualization, license analytics, assets contract performance insights, and more.
The variety of a CSP’s assets ranges from traditional telecom equipment to data center assets, NFV components, appliances, hardware and software licenses, IoT devices, OSS/BSS workload systems, and a multitude of access devices such as small cells, edge computing, home broadband, etc.
Network Asset Management can provide the following benefits:
- Provides a Centralized Repository for Active, Passive and Non-serialized Network Assets
- Reduces the under-utilization of assets
- Reduces the need for manual auditing
- Improves time-to-value of assets
- Enables monetization of end-of-life assets to generate maximum value
- Optimizes asset utilization
Subex Network Asset Management from Subex addresses the complex challenges telcos face in handling assets across cross-functional teams. The solution comes loaded with an extensive library of discovery adapters, federated data architecture, open APIs, advanced analytics, in-built AI/ML features, big data compute and storage capabilities. Built with more than a decade of operational experience deploying network solutions, Subex Network Asset Management supports comprehensive asset management – from network discovery to field operations. It also enables closed-loop automation with ERP systems and generates insights into each phase of the asset lifecycle.
Operator teams see a strong need to forecast the spare assets based on operational data and make data-driven decisions. The Spare Management module tracks spare assets across the network. It consolidates the spare asset information along with spare levels (min, max) and spare classifications.
Users can initiate workflows to move spare assets for excess returns, repair and fault replacement requests. The module has built-in predictive analytics to compute exact spare levels for every network site, based on historical fault data.
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