October 2013

Surjeet Singh Surjeet Singh: Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Over the last year, we at Subex have focused on basics of recapitalizing the company, restructuring the leadership team, realigning the organization structure and more importantly focusing on our portfolio and processes, with the aim to serve our customers with the highest level of satisfaction and efficiency. With sharpened focus on our core products and increased traction of our long-term sustainable Managed Services offering, not only are we now leaner and agile in operations but our monitoring and quality control processes have become more efficient and stringent.

I’m very happy to state that with your support and confidence, some of these measures have effectively resulted in us successfully delivering profitable FY14 Q2 results with revenues in line or above estimates, increased positive EBITDA of 24.5% and increase in ex forex Operating Profit by 40%. We reported the current quarter with Revenues at Rs. 8,544 lacs (US$ 14.5 million), up by 10 % QoQ from Rs 7,776 lacs in FY13 Q2. Profit after Tax (PAT) is at Rs. 461.6 lacs (US$ 0.78 million), up by 234 % QoQ from Rs. 345 lacs (US$ -0.63 million) in FY13 Q2. EBIDTA for the quarter is at Rs. 2,088 lacs (US$ 3.6 million) up by 38% QoQ from Rs. 1,519 lacs (US $ 2.7 million) in FY13 Q2. The Operating Profit ex-forex for the quarter stood at Rs. 2,028 lacs (US$ 3.43 million), up by 40 % QoQ from Rs. 1,452 lacs (US$ 2.61 million). The company has Free Cash flow of Rs. 3,526 lacs (US$ 6 million).

On behalf of Subex shareholders and management team, I would like extend my heartfelt thanks for your continued support and confidence in Subex.

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